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NBA Answers Blogger’s Outrage

May 24, 2007 | By RotoRob | comment on this post

Now that the Spurs have moved on to the Western Conference Finals, the outrage over Phoenix losing both Amare Stoudemire and Boris Diaw to suspension in Game 5 of the Western semifinals is moot.

But kudos to Suns’ blogger Cory Howell for not simply accepting the explanation the NBA put forward for enforcing these suspensions and — in so doing — perhaps changing the outcome of the playoffs. Whether the league was right or wrong for nailing the Suns, Cory wanted to know more. So he asked.

And here’s what the league told him.

Does this mean the NBA is actually willing to solicit and consider the opinions of hardcore fans? I have my doubts. Call me skeptical, but I think that a league that made such a monumental decision as changing the main piece of equipment it uses based on the concerns of a friend of the wife of the commissioner, is clearly listening to the wrong people. I suspect that the opinions and ideas spewed forth on the NBA fan forum are on a one-way journey to the circular file, but again, maybe I’m too jaded.

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